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    About me

    IMG_0166Romania, a country nestled within the Carpathian Mountains is where I proudly call my home. I grew up in a house, in the countryside, that had an abundance of books, newspapers and magazines. All these works of literature coexisted harmoniously alongside bottles of wine and hard liquor if I may say so myself.

    My grandfather taught me to love books and to respect written words. He was known as “The Student” in his village because he would tell everyone about the stories he read. Despite the fact that he only attended school up to the fourth grade and used to work at the village’s farm after the communists took away his land by force, he was still a dedicated reader.

    The joy of reading has remained with me since childhood.
    I love to read and learn new things from every book that I read.
    I enjoy laughing and crying alongside the characters from my books.

    From My Books I will tell you what impressed me and what I have learned.

    If I succeed in sparking your interest in the stories and in the process you will end up buying the books, then my mission is accomplished. I will be anxiously waiting to read your commentaries about your own emotions and connections with the books.

    P.S.1 My middle school Romanian teacher taught me the Latin expression: Ex Libris Meis (From My Books). Ever since I have been writing these words on every book that I owned as a habit of personalizing them. This is how I came up with the name of this blog.

    P.S.2  The books that I will be discussing in this blog are  usually written in English. With every article I write, I will provide specific details about each book such as the publishing house for the printed books. Similarly, some of the books that I own are in electronic form  and in this case I will be mentioning the website that I purchased them from.